Asturias desde la distancia, op 58

Asturias desde la distancia, op 58

Más información

Asturias desde la distancia, op 58 [partitura] / Jorge Muñiz


Tipología Documental

Técnica de Producción

Pl. Orquestal - - tim -+3 - arp - p - cu










Fecha de estreno


Lugar de Estreno

Auditorio Príncipe Felipe (Oviedo, Asturias)

Intérpretes de estreno

Orquesta Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias, dir. Maximiano Valdés

Nota General

Obra encargo del Ayuntamiento de Oviedo para la inauguración del Auditorio Prícipe Felipe -- Palabras del autor : this work has two purposes: to fulfill its commission as a celebratory piece for such important occasion, but also to celebrate Asturian culture. It is not a work of folkloric quality, but it does stem from this tradition. Among the themes used in the work we can find several popular melodies from the Cancionero de la música popular by musicologist Eduardo Martínez Torner, such as No le daba el sol, A la mar fui por naranjas y La mío morena vase pa Uvieu. But it is the treatment of these sources that provides the different quality and sound of the composition. The work is divided in two sections: the first one, very slow at first, evolves toward a molto vivace where the second section develops, full of motion and vitality in its entirety. Elements proper of the tradition of Asturian music, such as the drone of the bagpipe, the melisma performed in these instruments or other inflections and nuances proper of the vocal music from Asturias (tonada) provide the ambience of the first section. These elements develop fully in the second section with the addition of other rhythmic, melodic, and timbre elements.

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